Wednesday, 6 November 2019

 Classic Indian songs in Sanskrit Renditions



Bangladesh national anthem goes Sanskrit on Bhupen Hazarika’s death anniversary
Rahul Karmakar. GUWAHATI: 5 November, 2019

'Amaar Shonaar Bangla' features in 'Anandini', the new Sanskrit album conceptualised by Ranjan Bezbaruah.

Ranjan Bezbaruah, the man behind an 12-song audio album released on Tuesday, negated any political motive behind accommodating the Sanskrit version.

The national anthem of Bangladesh, the country that has often dictated the course of electoral politics in Assam, has been given a Sanskrit makeover on the eighth death anniversary of the State’s cultural icon – Bhupen Hazarika. Hazarika, revered as the Bard of Brahmaputra, died on November 5, 2011, at the age 85.

Ranjan Bezbaruah, the man behind an 12-song audio album released on Tuesday, negated any political motive behind accommodating the Sanskrit version of Aamaar Shonar Bangla, the national anthem of Bangladesh that Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore had composed, and O Mor Aaapunaar Dekh, the State anthem of Assam.The latter was written by Lakshminath Bezbaroa, Assam’s tallest literary figure who revolutionised modern Assamese literature.

“Bhupen Hazarika, who called himself a cultural nomad, believed in building bridges between communities and countries divided by political boundaries. Besides, he was and is as popular in Bangladesh as he is in Assam and elsewhere in the country,” Mr. Bezbaruah, who teaches Sanskrit in central Assam’s Nagaon, told The Hindu.

Amaar Shonaar Bangla features in Anandini, the new Sanskrit album that Mr. Bezbaruah conceptualised, as Ayee Swarnila Bangla while O Mur Aapunar Dekh is Aho Atmanah Desha.
The two anthems on either side of the Assam-Bangladesh border feature alongside some of Hazarika’s popular compositions as well as two of A.R. Rahman’s hit songs – Bharat Humko (Bharatam Hi Nah) and Dil Hai Chhota Sa (Hrin Me Laghutaram).

The album also features a Bhajan by Meerabai, a Borgeet (Vaishnavite spiritual song) by Assam’s 16th century saint-reformer Srimanta Sankardeva, the patriotic song Saare Jahaan Se Achchhaa (Sarvalokeshu Ramyam) and Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite Bhajan Vaishnava Jana To.
Mr. Bezbaruah has sung the songs along with Pronoti Baruah, Krishna Borah and Riturani Mausumi. The Sanskrit teacher translated seven of the 11 songs while Alok Kumar, C. Ramnagpal and Siddhidatri Bharadwaj translated the others. Assam-based Pranjal Borah and Abhisek Dhar rearranged the music for Anandini.




Assam Artiste Croons Bangladesh National Anthem In Sanskrit

'Anandini' is an album of 11 songs in Sanskrit including 'Amar Sonar Bangla' and 'O Mur Aapunar Dex'

Music has no boundaries and no barriers. Following the dictum, a Sanskrit teacher from Assam’s Nagaon gave tribute to the legendary singer Bhupen Hazarika on his 8th death anniversary by releasing the Sanskrit version of the Bangladesh National Anthem.

Denying any political intention in composing the anthem in Sanskrit, Ranjan Bezbaruah, while speaking to Time8, said, “It is an attempt to popularize the language (Sanskrit) worldwide. This will also help unite the people of both the nation – India and Bangladesh.”

“Translating lyrics from any language into Sanskrit might help our society in many ways. It can help the future generations in developing an acquaintance and interest with the rich Indian languages as well as our unparalleled literary and musical heritage,” he added.

Saying that the effort might open new doors to think and work, Bezbaruah said, “It is somehow related to tourism and cultural exchange also. It will increase the eagerness of people to know the language and the cultures.”


Anandini, the album comprising of 11 songs was released in Nagaon on November 5, 2019. Renowned poet P Saikia was also present during the release of the album. The Bangladesh national anthem Aamar Sonar Bangla, written by Rabindranath Tagore, featured in the album as ‘Ayee Swarnila-Bangla’ while the state anthem of Assam ‘O Mor Aapunar Dex’, written by well known Assamese litterateur Laxminath Bezbaruah, featured as ‘Aho, Atmanah Desha’.

Ranjan Bezbaruah, while informing that the complete album will be released in January 2020, said, “The work for this album was started in 2013. After an enormous effort of the people associated with the project, I hope we will be able to release the album in January next year and people will love it.”

Ranjan Bezbaruah, Pronoti Baruah, Krishna Borah and Riturani Mausumi lend their voices in the album, which is a Sanskrit Rendition of classic Indian songs, while music was arranged by Pranjal Borah and Abhishek Dhar. Siddhidatri Bharadwaj, Alok Kumar, Narayan Dutta Mishra and Bezbaruah himself wrote the lyrics for the album.