Mind Blowing Facts about Sanskrit
• Sanskrit has the highest number of vocabularies than any
other languages in the world.
• 102 arab 78 crore 50 lakh words have been used till now in
Sanskrit. If it is used in computers & technology, then more than these
number of words will be used in next 100 years.
• Sanskrit has the power to say a sentence in a minimum
number of words than any other language.
America has a University dedicated to Sanskrit and the NASA
too has a department in it to research on Sanskrit manuscripts.
Sanskrit is the best computer friendly language. (Ref:
Forbes Magazine July 1987).
Sanskrit is a highly regularized language. In fact, NASA
declared it to be the “only unambiguous spoken language on the planet” – and
very suitable for computer comprehension.
Sanskrit is an official language of the Indian State of
There is a report by a NASA scientist that America is
creating 6th and 7th generation super computers based on Sanskrit language.
Project deadline is 2025 for 6th generation and 2034 for 7th generation
computer. After this there will be a revolution all over the world to learn
Sanskrit. However, trend has picked up in the Western world. Indians are
waiting for the moment when Sanskrit Scholars from overseas countries will come
to teach them.
The language is rich in most advanced science, contained in
their books called Vedas, Upanishads, Shruti, Smriti, Puranas, Ramayana
Mahabharata etc. (Ref: Russian State University, NASA etc. NASA possesses
60,000 palm leaf manuscripts, which they are studying day and night).
Learning of Sanskrit improves brain functioning. Students
start getting better marks in other subjects like Mathematics, Science etc.
which some people find difficult. It enhances the memory power. James Junior
School, London has made Sanskrit compulsory. Students of this school are among
the toppers year after year. This has been followed by some schools in Ireland
Research has shown
that the phonetics of Sanskrit has roots in various energy points of the body
and reading, speaking or reciting Sanskrit stimulates these points and raises
the energy levels, whereby resistance against illnesses, relaxation to mind and
reduction of stress are achieved.
Sanskrit is the only language, which uses all the nerves of
the tongue. By its pronunciation, energy points in the body are activated that
causes the blood circulation to improve. This, coupled with the enhanced brain
functioning and higher energy levels, ensures better health. Blood Pressure,
diabetes, cholesterol etc. are controlled. (Ref: American Hindu University
after constant study).
There are reports that Russians, Germans and Americans are
actively doing research on Hindu’s sacred books and are producing them back to
the world in their name. Seventeen countries around the world have a University
or two to study Sanskrit to gain technological advantages.
Surprisingly, it is not just a language. Sanskrit is the
primordial conduit between Human Thought and the Soul; Physics and Metaphysics;
Subtle and Gross; Culture and Art; Nature and its Author; Created and the
Creator. In fact, it is a medium of direct contact between Human beings and
Sanskrit is the Scholarly
language of 3 major World Religions – Hinduism, Buddhism (along with Pali) and
Jainism (second to Prakrit).
Today, there are a handful of Indian villages (in Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh) where Sanskrit is still spoken
as the main language. For example in the village of Mathur/Mattur in Karnataka,
more than 90% of the population knows Sanskrit. Mathur/Mattur is a village 10
kms from Shimoga, Karnataka speaks Sanskrit on daily basis for day-to-day
Even a Sanskrit daily newspaper exists! Sudharma, published
out of Mysore, has been running since 1970 and is now available online as an
e-paper (sudharma.epapertoday.com)!
The best type of calendar being used is Hindu calendar(as
the new year starts with the geological change of the solar system), Ref:
German State University.
The UK is presently
researching on a defence system based on Hindu’s Shri Chakra.
Another interesting fact about Sanskrit language is that the
process of introducing new words into the language continued for a long period
until it was stopped by the great grammarian Panini who wrote an entire grammar
for the language laying down rules for the derivation of each and every word in
Sanskrit and disallowed the introducing of new words by giving a full list of
Roots and Nouns. Even after Panini, some changes occur which were regularised
by Vararuchi and finally by Patanjali. Any infringement of the rules as laid
down by Patanjali was/is regarded as a grammatical error and hence the Sanskrit
Language has remained in the same glorious stage without any change from the
date of Patanjali up to this day.
• संस्कृत
is the only language in the world that exists since millions of years. Millions
of languages that emerged from Sanskrit are dead and millions will come but
Sanskrit will remain eternal. It is truly language of Bhagwan. Wealth of
information on Sanskrit language and scholarly global nations' concern for
Sanskrit shows how India lags behind America, Europe, Australia and select
Asian brilliants in this matter. We Indians are reading sacred texts,
performing pujas for various religious festivals throughout the year. So we
will not be lying if we say Sanskrit is also one of our languages or our mother
tongue in the next Census excercise without forgetting, to help save our own
language from disappearing & doing our bit for the language.
## Learn Sanskrit and own such a heavenly wisdom. Being
descendants of the Rishis, the amazing human beings on the earth, if you allow
Sanskrit to die, heaven will not lose anything, but the humanity will be
deprived of a priceless treasure!!!!
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